Our main purpose is to sustainably transform the Colombian agricultural sector with the power of knowledge to improve the livelihoods of producers and consumers. We are a decentralized, indirect, non-profit, scientific and technical public entity, with mixed participation, governed by the rules of private law.
The Germplasm Banks for Food and Agriculture (BGAA)
* This topic is related to COP16 goals 9 and 13.
AGROSAVIA safeguards Colombia’s agrobiodiversity through Germplasm Banks for Food and Agriculture. The BGAA holds a crucial collection of genetic resources for sustainable agricultural development, focusing on conservation, variability characterization, use and resource promotion. Plant Germplasm Bank conserves 275 species, some of them genotypically characterized and 12 registered. The Animal Germplasm Bank safeguards 6 Creole cattle breeds, 3 pig breeds, and 2 sheep breeds recognized for their adaptive traits and livestock advance. The Microorganism Bank conserves 2,300 accessions for applications in biofertilization, biocontrol, animal health, nutrition, and bioproduct development. To optimize resource characterization and utilization, enhancements in infrastructure, team training, collection expansion, and technological development are necessary.
The National Seed Plan
* This topic is related to COP16 goal 10.
The Plan Nacional de Semillas 2015-2023 (PNS) proposed and led by AGROSAVIA, strengthens the agricultural capacities of small farmers in 19 departments. It focuses on seed production and use of 23 plant species, including landraces and certified materials. 10,000 producers in 420 farming associations belong to the PNS. Rescue, conservation, validation, and adoption of seed production techniques and protocols were the results of the PNS. Additionally, 10 organizations were designated as certified seed producers by ICA. To continue this effort, PNS requires an increase in area of impact, plant species number, and seed quality assurance schemes. Likewise, PNS must develop interethnic protocols of seed production, participatory research, and reintroducing native seeds and landraces. The PNS strengthens Colombian food security and sovereignty.
Success story
Nature positive solutions, conservation of agrobiodiversity: Agrosavia and CIP work with the Cumbal Indigenous Reserve in Nariño, Colombia. Through household surveys and participatory mapping, they identified guardians of agrobiodiversity, documented plant species and assessed their conservation status. Community knowledge workshops helped identify local varieties, risks and potentially lost crops. This information will guide future integrated conservation actions and repatriation of landraces.

Strategic Partnership
Entities (public and private)
General Royalties System
2012 – 2023
Through projects financed by the General System of Royalties, Agrosavia has cooperation partners from 49 entities. In 11 years of alliance, AGROSAVIA has achieved the implementation of 31 projects.
CGIAR Initiatives – Nature +
Nature positive solutions, conservation of agrobiodiversity in Cumbal Nariño / Resilient AgriLAC: Promotion of Biofortified basket – Project funded by CIAT-Bioversity International.
Agrobiodiversity guardians identified, more than 200 indigenous tubers with their cultural significance identified, local varieties, conservation status and possible risks and potentially lost crops identified and documented.

Awards and Recognitions
FONTAGRO Scientific Excellence Award
AGROSAVIA, received the third place award BIBO 2023
AGROSAVIA, with the objective of protecting the environmental goods and services present in the areas it manages, has developed technical studies for the declaration of areas in its research centers as a strategy for in situ conservation of biodiversity. El Nus (Antioquia), Carimagua (Meta), La Selva (Antioquia), Tibaitatá (Cundinamarca) and Turipaná (Córdoba).
AGROSAVIA has been included for the fourth consecutive year in the international ranking of research institutions by Scimago. This ranking highlights institutions based on their performance in research, innovation products, and social impact, emphasizing their contribution to the generation of key knowledge and their impact on global goals.
September 4 to 5
Biotechnology and Biodiversity Seminar – Key to a Sustainable and Resilient Future
Location: UNAL – Campus Palmira (Carrera 32 # 12 – 00)
City: Palmira
Time of event: 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m.
The Biotechnology and Biodiversity Seminar seeks to bring together experts and professionals from multiple disciplines whose general objective is to explore the most recent advances and challenges in different fields of action related to genetics, diversity, conservation, among others.
September 12
Day of reflection: “The care of the territory as a link in the conservation of biodiversity from a holistic view of science, technology and innovation”
Location: UNAL – Campus Palmira (Carrera 32 # 12 – 01)
City: Palmira
Time of event: 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m.
Organized by Universidad Nacional, Palmira and supported by Agrosavia.
This event aims to be a space for exchange and collaboration among academics, practitioners and community members
between academics, practitioners and community members, with the aim of exploring how science, technology and innovation (STI) can contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
October 22
The TIRFAA, a tool to advance the implementation of CDB objectives and a commitment to a more sustainable and equitable use of genetic resources.
Location: Cali Chamber of Commerce – Multiplex Room 1 (Cl 8 #3-14)
City: Cali
Time of event: 10:00 a. m.
Forum organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Agrosavia and the Alliance Bioversity & CIAT
October 22
Conservación integrada y uso sostenible, el futuro de la agrobiodiversidad
Location: Cali Chamber of Commerce – Multiplex Room 1 (Cl 8 #3-14)
City: Cali
Time of event: 4:00 p. m.
Forum organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Agrosavia and the Alliance Bioversity & CIAT
Collaboration Opportunities
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