The Universidad Santiago de Cali founded in 1958 is the largest higher education institution in southwestern Colombia, accredited for high quality. Its mission is to develop integral leaders who contribute to economic development and social transformation through research, outreach, and social projection, addressing the needs of various economic sectors.
Smart Technologies for Biodiversity and Sustainable Management of Water, Soil, and Air
* This topic is related to COP16 goal 10.
Developing smart technologies to protect biodiversity and sustainably manage water, soil, and air. The platform uses IoT technology to monitor environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, and pollution levels in natural habitats. This data helps make informed decisions to address environmental threats and protect biodiversity. The project integrates deployable solutions in various environments with the support of government agencies, institutions, and companies.
Molecular Diagnosis of Parasites in the Giant African Snail Pest
* This topic is related to COP16 goal 6.
Invasive exotic species like the giant African snail (Lissachatina fulica) pose significant risks to native ecosystems. This project studies the pest, its pathogens, and its natural history, highlighting its invasive capacity and adaptability to extreme conditions. Additionally, a study methodology was developed to facilitate scientific collaborations, contributing to the global One Health strategy to preserve biodiversity and public health.
Success story
The Universidad Santiago de Cali implemented the project “El Bosque,” an innovative natural space that won the CIDESCO University Innovation Award in 2023. This campus features a variety of tree species, promoting environmental conservation in Cali. The institution collects rainwater for irrigation and uses solar panels that provide 10% of the campus’s energy. “El Bosque” also serves as an educational center for sustainable practices, fostering local environmental awareness.

Strategic Partnership
Governor’s Office of Valle del Cauca, Univalle, UAO, Fundación Acuavalle, CODEPARH, CVC, Vallecaucana de Aguas
Implementation of Strategies for the Recovery and Integrated Management of Water Resources in Valle del Cauca Watersheds
2022 – 2024
Promotes water recovery in the Cauca River basin, strengthens local capacities, and decentralized wastewater management. Introduction of software to control pollution and improve the sustainability of sanitation projects in the region.
UPCT-Spain, Unime-Italy, Tudublin-Ireland, NYU-USA, UTianjin-China
2022 – 2025
Contributes to digital transformation and ecological transition by managing waste more intelligently and reducing environmental impact, promoting a green economy and achieving the SDGs.

Awards and Recognitions
- CIDESCO University Innovation Award 2023: Innovative Campus – El Bosque USC
- CIDESCO University Innovation Award 2023: Agricultural and Productive Innovations – Veterinary Clinic
- Green University Recognition, UI Green Metric World University Rankings since 2017
- Third Place in the Municipal Environmental University Projects Competition PRAUS for Climate Change 2018
- Valle Territory Intelligent and Innovative Award 2018 by the Co-Creative Air Monitoring Network, Horizon 2020.
Collaboration Opportunities
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